Have you ever noticed that you are not really that into some men? Do you sometimes wonder why they are not attracted to you? There are plenty of women out there who wonder exactly what it is that makes some men not want to be with them. It could be something as simple as their looks or their personality. If they do not find you attractive, they may just decide not to pursue you. If you have observed this behavior in your man for a little bit then you know what to do.
What does this really mean though? Does this mean that your man is just not that interested in you? Is he just not interested in you romantically? Do you really think that he has some feelings for you? Sometimes it can seem like men just don’t really care about how a woman is dressed or what kind of car she drives, but they do care if they are with a girl that he truly likes.
If you have noticed that your man is not into you romantically then it may just come down to his own feelings. This can be the case with men of many different ages. Sometimes it is just that they have reached the point in their lives where they have to move on from the girl that he truly is into. He may have been dating a woman for a number of years, but now that he is settled into his career he really just wants to be with a solid woman.
You do not have to wonder though just what it is that is making him not want to be with you. You can go ahead and be with a new guy and get that excitement out of you that you were not getting before. Do not miss out on the chance to really enjoy the company of a new man. That is a very important part of having a fulfilling sex life. Sometimes men can get in the way of that too.
It may seem like an obvious thing to say, but you would be surprised at the number of women who make the mistake of confusing lust with love. Lust just does not mean that it is going to stick around for long. There are always going to be other things competing for your attention. The two things will never actually work out. They can work quite well together, however.
Sometimes the problem may just be that he really is too immature to be interested in you romantically. Sometimes a man has to grow up a little before he is ready for more than physical intimacy. Sometimes there are personal issues that he has to face that keep him from expressing his love. If you have noticed that he is withdrawing when it comes to being physically intimate then you should consider that maybe he is not ready to commit to a relationship.
You do need to give a man time to come to terms with who he is and what he wants out of life. It is unfair to expect him to be perfect now. Men may seem less emotionally mature than women in some ways but they are no less liable to be confused. Sometimes a guy may act as if he is all for giving you everything that you could ever want, but he really has no interest in settling down and starting a family. There is nothing wrong with that so don’t worry about it. If he is truly not ready, you should move on.
Sometimes a guy can just be really confused. Sometimes a woman’s intuition is correct and she is able to see that something is just not right. If you sense that there is a problem then you should speak up. Sometimes men are taught not to confront the woman who is having an issue with them. If you do feel that a relationship may be doomed then make the choice to end it and move on.