Psychedelic Therapy is the name of an out-of-body experience or altered state of consciousness. It is also known as trips, journeys, the shamanic trance of cosmic union. Psychedelic therapy has been practiced since the days of the ancient Greeks and Indians. Here is what you need to know about this fascinating science of consciousness development.
How does it work? Experiences are designed to unearth deeply held subconscious beliefs and desires. They also induce physical changes that facilitate releasing emotional tension. The journey can take several forms. You can find that some journeys result in heightened states of alertness and awareness, while others produce deep sleep.
People who practice these rituals claim that they are safe. The drugs are administered intravenously under general anesthesia. The most popular drug is ibuprofen. The effects may be similar to those of illegal drugs. However, there is no danger in trying them.
What if I am allergic to the drugs? This is a possibility. If you are allergic to any medications, you should notify your doctor before starting a Psychedelic Therapy session. In general, if you feel weird or unwell after the treatment, stop taking it. Stop taking other drugs as well if you feel the same way.
Can I have an immediate experience of consciousness expansion? The answer is yes. The shaman often calls this “out of body” experience. After the treatment, your brain will be in a highly relaxed state. There will be many moments when you pass into a sort of non-space. Your eyesight might become blurred, so make sure you’re seeing is not impaired by light.
Will I experience tunnel vision? In this state, you will see objects from only their perspective. You will be seeing things that are far away. You might see a brightly lit room from several rooms away. This type of experience will be particularly useful for people who suffer from PTSD.
How long does the experience last? Usually, an hour or so is all it takes for most people. Some people return feeling refreshed and rested. Others return more confused and distressed.
Will the drug experience dull the pain of post-traumatic stress disorder? No. Psychedelic therapy is a deeply personal experience, so try not to compare it to other forms of therapy. It can help people heal deeply submerged wounds and painful memories. It can also help patients lower their stress and anxiety levels.
Can I have a religious experience with these drugs? Some religions allow drugs as part of their sacraments. Others do not. See your doctor find out if these drugs are okay for you.
Can you write out your own experiences? Sometimes, in a trance, we can simply remember what happened. Other times, we need someone else to recount our experiences. If you are going to write about your own experience, try to describe it in as much detail as possible. Be sure to keep a record of where and how you felt, what you saw, and how much you changed as a result of your experience.
Can I get addicted to these drugs? Psychedelic therapy is not addictive in the way that smoking cigarettes or ingesting certain other substances is. However, there are certain limits. Most likely, you will become less likely to experience triggers if you don’t have enough of the substance in your system. If you take more than you should, you could end up with withdrawal symptoms, which can be extremely unpleasant and potentially dangerous. If you decide to start taking these drugs, be sure to take them under medical supervision.
What are the health effects of this therapy? Like any medication, there can be some side effects or problems. However, most people report no problems, either during or after therapy. For people who have heart or kidney issues, it’s best to talk to your doctor before beginning therapy.
How do I make this work for me? Usually, this type of therapy works best when used by people who have already experienced a traumatic event in their lives. If you are open to new experiences, you may find that this therapy is for you. But remember, you are the one who makes this therapy work for you. Withdrawal is much easier the more often you use this therapy.