MS Hug: What Is It? What is it for? How is it treated? What are its potential uses?
It is a drug to be taken in the acute or chronic form. Acute, that is, after the first symptoms appear; whereas, chronic means continuing use over a period of days or weeks. It is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. It was initially tested for the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris. The drug has now been approved by the FDA for use against more advanced stages of acne, specifically severe acne that is resistant to the usual acne-fighting drugs.
As a drug, it has some strong side effects. It may cause dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, restlessness, slurred speech, upset stomach, nausea, and itching, and in rare cases, serious side effects such as seizures, convulsions, and coma. However, these are the most common side effects. More severe side effects may occur in case of prolonged use of the drug.
Like all topical medications, Hug can be applied to the face. To treat acne properly, one must wash his/her face before application. Be sure to dry the face with a clean towel. Apply a generous amount of the medicine to the face, and then rub gently, leaving it on for about fifteen minutes.
This medicine may also be used to treat acne on other parts of the body, including the neck, shoulders, back, and chest. However, it is not recommended to be used on face areas, such as the chin, cheeks, and forehead. It may cause irritation, especially if it is used on these areas frequently. If it is accidentally ingested, it may also cause serious intestinal tract problems, which can lead to death.
The good thing about using medicine like this is that there are no significant side effects. However, the drawback is that it only treats mild cases of acne. If the treatment is continued for a longer period of time, severe and chronic cases may occur. For severe cases, a consultation with a dermatologist may be needed. It is also important to remember that there are no guarantees that the treatment will work.
In order to avoid having to face problems while using Masquerade, it is advisable to follow the directions on the container and take the medicine only as directed. Also, it is important to pay attention to how the product is used and stored. Clean the face before application to prevent any unwanted side effects.
Like all other topical medications, there is no guarantee that Masquerade will work on every individual who experiences acne. In case of doubt, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. While the medication has few side effects, it can irritate the skin of some individuals.
The medication can be taken orally or topically. If taken orally, it can be taken just before bedtime. After applying it on the face, a few hours should be allowed before sleeping for the same. A total of four to five applications can be done on each face at night to treat mild to moderate acne.
In order to maximize the results of the treatment, it is best to use it as directed. If there are any changes in the face after application, it is important to note them immediately. If the acne worsens during the day, it may be because the dosage is too high or too low.
It is recommended to wash the face with a mild soap or cleanser twice or thrice a day. When the acne is lessened or cleared, it is recommended to apply some form of moisturizer or cream that contains Vitamin A. In some cases, a change in food may also affect the acne condition. So when starting to follow a regimen, be sure to check what is being consumed and if this causes the acne to worsen. Also, avoid overusing scented soaps and cleansers.
Medication can take several weeks to work. However, it will not go away overnight. For example, the medication may clear up on its own in a month’s time but will not clear up completely in two months. If left untreated, it can lead to scarring. Also, it may cause excessive oiliness that makes the skin’s pores clogged and results in blackheads, whiteheads, and acne cysts.