Why? Well, for one thing, these offers are easy to spot. For example, if you see a webpage titled, “Get 10% off your next purchase!” You can pretty much picture what kind of goods you are getting. But wait…there is more! There are other ways to spot this kind of offer too.
One way is if the offer is for an actual product. Do you know how often you see websites offering a freebie for a “product”? Chances are you get that one day a year. The odds of people buying that product are pretty slim too since those who do buy will most likely buy the same product again! If that isn’t telltale, then I don’t know what is!
So if you see a website like, “9 Clever Little Freebies,” don’t just assume it is a paid website. Those aren’t very clever. Let’s say you decided to look at that particular website, “9 Clever Little Freebies,” just to see what it had to offer. What do you do after you get there? You check out the page and sure enough, there is a live chat on the page with a “joke” posted on the screen that seems to make fun of the original offer.
If you are reading this and, “9 Clever Little Freebies” offer is for a product, don’t go for it. Instead, leave right away. Why? It’s not worth your time, or anyone else’s time, for that matter, to see that website again just to get another laugh at their expense. That’s not the point. The point is, when you have an offer on your website, it better be a valuable offer!
The 9 Clever Little Freebies website has a very questionable history as far as offers go. Most people who come here to get a freebie are either in it for the search engines, looking for that very same rank they see on the offers page, or they are in it for the traffic. Either way, their offer is most likely bait. Their incentive to stay is the fact that they can “stay longer” and watch their ranking go up as well.
When the owner of the website keeps that website updated all the time, they are getting more visitors and therefore, more visitors potentially means a higher ranking for them. And thus, the free services are becoming more valuable over time. That’s why you see so many of these sites getting more valuable with each passing day. These sites are also very well optimized. They are built with the latest WordPress themes and they use the right keywords for optimization. That’s why when someone searches on Google, they find them almost immediately – the website is so well optimized.
One thing about these offers is that there’s always a catch. Usually, there’s a catch or two in these 9 Clever Little Freebies. It’s almost like these folks understand what the general public wants, but they are offering these things to people who are already on a swing to get rich quick while making no real effort. Take them up on it! If they’re really good at what they do, they would never stoop to such low tactics. Better leave it to the experts and invest in yourself and your business.
So who offers these little freebies? I’d say they are mostly offered by websites that have not been around for a long time. They don’t really know what they’re doing anymore. It could be that the website is new but the person operating the site doesn’t really know how to keep it up to date and keep the traffic coming in. In most cases, they just want to monetize their current website with something they can offer anyone over the Internet for free.
This is how it goes. You go on to a website offering a service like a website building for free but then after you’ve got what you need, you’ll realize it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. Now, you want to make more money with your business. You look for another program to get involved in. Another program has a catch but this time it comes with great money in return.
This is how the game goes. Some sites give away little freebies from time to time and charge a fee to those that want to take advantage of them. Then there are the ones that never charge anything and just get people to sign up for their program. Those are the sites you want to look at for your money-making ventures.