In a momentous turn of events, the series finale of Succession witnessed the anointment of a fresh CEO, as Tom Wambsgans emerged triumphant. The Waystar board, despite Kendall’s objections, ratified the GoJo deal with Shiv’s deciding vote. While Tom’s ascent may have caught some off guard, Jesse Armstrong, the mastermind behind the show, affirms that it had always been a premeditated outcome.
Armstrong reveals, in an illuminating behind-the-scenes featurette, his long-held belief in Tom’s destiny as the eventual successor. However, he acknowledges that Tom may not epitomize the archetypal all-powerful ruler. Instead, Tom’s influence emanates from his affiliation with Matsson. Armstrong muses on the existence of individuals who maneuver their way upward and gain favor with the mighty.
As the story of the Roy family unfolds beyond the finale, Armstrong tantalizes us with glimpses of their future trajectories. He reminds us that their ultimate ambition, to inherit their father’s legacy, has eluded them. Roman, in a paradoxical twist, finds himself back at square one – a debonair, yet morally questionable jester, indulging in libations at a bar, viewing his recent escapades as nothing more than a minor diversion. Meanwhile, Shiv, cautioning against her predicament, languishes in a state of paralyzing emotional desolation alongside Tom. She exists in a realm of inconclusive victory and non-defeat. Making it arduous for them to forge ahead emotionally, given the acrimonious exchanges they’ve shared.
Kendall, last witnessed wandering aimlessly through the park, his defeat still fresh and bewildering. Armstrong asserts that the battle for control of Waystar stands as the pivotal juncture of Kendall’s existence. While Kendall may entertain prospects of embarking on new entrepreneurial endeavors, the likelihood of him attaining the same corporate stature as his father remains exceedingly low. This, according to Jesse Armstrong, will indelibly shape Kendall’s entire life.
The evolution of Succession continues to captivate. Leaving us yearning for answers as the intricate web of power dynamics weaves its enigmatic spell.