In a momentous turn of events, Twitter, now referred to as “TwitterX,” underwent an official rebranding, orchestrated by its owner, Elon Musk. The change was symbolize by the iconic bird logo morphing into an enigmatic “X.” Musk, the visionary entrepreneur, shared a brief video showcasing the flickering “X” on an undisclosed platform. He further confirmed the impending alteration during an engaging Twitter Spaces audio chat, wherein he mentioned using blow torches to remove the Twitter logo from the building.
The metamorphosis of the revered bird emblem to the enigmatic “X” was intend to embody the very imperfections that render each of us distinctive, as eloquently put forth by Musk himself. In his profound words, the “twitter brand” would soon bid adieu, along with its aviary symbolism.
Sunday afternoon witnessed the swift redirection of the web address, leading visitors to the platform that once bore the name Twitter. This domain had been reclaimed by Musk in 2017 as part of the merger that culminated in PayPal.
This transformation to an “TwitterX” signifies yet another monumental shift since Musk’s acquisition of Twitter for an astounding $44 billion the previous year. The social media behemoth has also taken measures to combat spam by capping the number of daily direct messages for unverified users. Concurrently, it has introduced a subscription service to grant users the opportunity to augment their daily message allowance.
Amidst these dynamic changes, Twitter faces stiff competition from Meta’s innovative app, Threads, launched earlier this month.
As the digital landscape evolves, “X” is poise to carve a distinctive path under the visionary stewardship of Elon Musk, leaving the legacy of Twitter behind.